UMI (Unitronics VFD)
Ofir Levi
Jul-8th, 2018 14:40

Unitronics VFDs work seamlessly with UniStream, as well as with Vision and Samba controllers.

They are general purpose VFDs, available as single and three phase, from 0.4 kW up to 110 kW.

You can use UniLogic to configure and operate up to 32 Unitronics VFDs via Ladder, or directly from UniStream's HMI panel.

To use Unitronics VFDs in your application you must:

  • Configure the Serial Port as VFD

  • Add VFDs to your Hardware Configuration. UniLogic creates a supporting struct for each VFD.

  • Configure the VFD. You can: -create and edit a Configuration file in UniLogic, -upload a Configuration file from a VFD and edit it as necessary, -export a Configuration file from UniLogic, edit it, and import it into UniLogic. UniLogic uses the VFD struct to contain the Configuration file parameter data. Note that details regarding the VFD's Configuration file may be found in the manual for the specific VFD type. The manuals are located online in the Unitronics Technical Library.

Once you have configured your VFD, you can run and control it via your PLC and HMI applications.

You can also monitor and debug your VFD remotely by running OnLine Test Mode, and using UniLogics' scope Trace feature as an oscilliscope.

In VisiLogic the communication currently is implemented via MODBUS RTU.

Attached are examples for Unitronics VFD.

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