Changing the Controller’s Image in Remote Access
Reuven Mozes
Sep-15th, 2019 6:08

Changing the Controller’s Image in Remote Access

  • Copy the image to: “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Unitronics\Images” for Example: by the name V120_AB.bmp (or any other plc - V130_AB…). The name format is: PLC Type then _ and then two letters – V120_XX or V130_XX …

  • Open VisiLogic, in the operand list, change SI 209 format into HEX.
  • Set on power up SI 209 value to a combination of 2 last characters for example:  the customer initial name is "AB", then SI 209 value should be: 4241 (41 is the hex value of the ASCII "A" and 42 is the hex value of the ASCII "B")
  • Open Remote access  and go on line:

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