How do I remotely access UniStream via VNC viewer?
Eduardo Margulis
Nov-7th, 2017 12:05

You can access UniStream using a VNC viewer from a computer, phone, or tablet with an Ethernet or mobile connection. When connecting via VNC over a local network, make sure to connect to the Panel IP and port 5900. You can have many connections at the same time to the same PLC.

You can assign different levels of connection to the VNC users:

  • View only: The user will only be able to view the PLC but not control it on the VNC viewer.
  • Full access:  The User will have full access to the PLC remotely via the VNC viewer

Setting Levels

1. Open UniApps and press on the Security icon.


2.  Select the option Change password.


3. Click on the model option and select the desire function.



4. Select Create password and write the desired password.


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