Is it possible to confiure High-Speed Output: PWM on the M90/M91/Jazz PLCs?
Eduardo Margulis
Nov-20th, 2017 9:19

Yes, you can use certain outputs as High-speed Outputs (HSO) via PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).

The ratio of the "on" period of a cycle to the total cycle period. This value may be from 0-1000, and is expressed as a percentage.

If, for example, the constant 750 is stored into the Duty Cycle operand, the duty cycle is equal to 75.0% This means that the pulse will hold a positive state during 75.0% of the total cycle.

Note that F=1/T, where T is the duration time of a complete cycle.  Frequency settings differ from npn to pnp output type.

    • npn: You can use a value of 0, or a value from 8-50000Hz ( 50kHz).
    • pnp: You can use a value of 0, or a value from 8-1500HZ.

Other frequency values are not supported.

Changes the operating mode of the output from normal output mode to HSO mode:

0 (SET)=Normal Mode, 1 (RESET): HSO Mode.

In the figure below, MI 22 Duty Cycle Value is equal to 250. This results in the duty cycle being 25% of the total cycle time.

Please note that if values out of range enter the Duty Cycle and Frequency operands, their values remain unchanged—the operands retain the last legal values stored

You can read more information on how to configure High-Speed Output: PWM, on U90 Ladder help file under Home > Hardware Configuration > High-Speed Output: PWM.

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