How is the UniStream memory allocated?
Eduardo Margulis
Nov-7th, 2017 13:05

UniLogic is based on lexical data tags, not operands. The memory is dynamically allocated depending on the data tags you create, and the data type you link to your tags.
Note, however, that you can create a project containing pre-defined tags
, VisiLogic-style. Click the Project tab, and then select New (Pre-defined operands).
The dynamic memory allocation impacts significantly on the performance of the PLC.
Since the precise location of the allocation is not known in advance, the
memory is accessed indirectly, usually through a pointer reference.

The memory size is as follows:

  • Non Retain memory: 2 MB
  • Retained memory: 256K.

Please note that the maximum number of user operands that can be created is 100,000.

Also Note that Data Tables are made up of STRUCTS, which are tags, and which therefore they share the operand memory.

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