Choosing the correct Servo cables
Alon Avivi
Jan-27th, 2020 12:25

Choosing the correct Servo cable:

There are 2 cables for each Servo drive:

1.       Power cable.

2.       Feedback cable.

When choosing a Power cable there are 2 options as well:

1.       Power cable for a motor that includes a brake(PB)

2.       Power cable without a brake(PN).

For example: Power cable with a brake for a B4 Motor series will be: UMC-B4-PB-03

                            Power cable without a brake for a B4 Motor will be: UMC-B4-PN-03

The number in the end will indicate the cable length: 01- 1 meter , 03- 3 Meters , 05- 5 Meters , 10 – 10 Meters.

There is also an option to add Cable Type (R)- for Robotics cable.

NOTE: B3 Motor series DON'T have the brake cable option , as the motor include designated connector for the Brake.

When choosing a Feedback  cable there are 2 options as well:

1.       Feedback cable with Incremental encoder(FN)

2.       Feedback cable with Absolute encoder(FA)

For example: Feedback cable with Incremental encoder for a B4 motor series: UMC-B4-FN-03

                           Feedback cable with Absolute encoder for a B4 motor series:UMC-B4-FA-03


The number in the end will indicate the cable length: 01- 1 meter , 03- 3 Meters , 05- 5 Meters , 10 – 10 Meters.

There is also an option to add Cable Type (R)- for Robotics cable.

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